Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How to....

I read something last night that I wanted to share.  I've been letting some things really get to me lately and drag me down.  I got an email from a friend yesterday who had reminded me that Satan will try to do anything he can to destroy us, our families, our marriages.  He plants a lie in our minds and hearts and runs with it.

But he turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man."
--Matthew 16:23

Last night in bed I was reading before going to sleep.  My husband had a book called "Let Go."  It is a book of letters written by  Francois de Salignac de La Mothe Fenelon, the Archbishop of Cambrai, France, during the seventeenth Century.  The book is to be read like a devotional, thinking about each letter and not just reading it all in one sitting. Here's the chapter I read...

Letter 2 "How to Bear Suffering Peacefully"

Concerning our friend, I pray that god will give him a simplicity of trust that will bring him peace.  When we are careful to instnantly let go of all needless worries and restless thoughts (that is, self-centered thoughts, rather than loving, outgoing ones), then we shall find ourselves on plateaus of peace even in the midst of the straight and narrow.  We shall find ourselves walking in the freedom and innocent peace of the children of God, not lacking wholesome relationships either toward God or man.

I willingly apply to myself the same advice that I give to others, for I am convinced that I must seek my own peace in the same direction.  Even now my soul is suffering, but I am aware that it is the life of self which causes us pain,; that which is dead does not suffer.  If we were really dead, and our life hid with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3), we would no longer struggle with those pains in spirit that now afflict us.  So we must learn to bear all suffering with composure, even those which come upon us through no fault of our own.  But we must beware of that restlessness of spirit which might be our own fault.  We can add to our God-given cross by agitated resistance and an unwillingness  to suffer.  This is simply and evident of the remaining life of self.

A cross which comes from God out to be welcomed without any concern for self.  And when you accept your cross this way, eve though it is painful, you will fin that you can bear it in peace.  but when your receive your cross unwillingly, you will find it to be doubly severe.  The resistance within is harder to bear than the cross itself!  But if you recognize the hand of God, and make no opposition to his Will, you will have peace in the midst of affliction.  Happy indeed are they who can bear their sufferings with the simple peace and perfect submission to the will of God!  Nothing so shortens and soothes suffering as this spirit of non-resistance.

But usually we want to drive a bargain with God.  We would at least like to suggest some limits so that we can see an end to our sufferings.  We don't realize how we are thwarting the purposes of God when we take this  attitude.  Because the stubborn clinging to life which makes the cross necessary in the first place, also tends us to reject that cross - at least in part.  So we have to go over the same ground again and again.

We wend up suffering greatly, but to very little purpose.  May the Lord deliver us from falling into that state of soul in which crosses are of no benefit to us.  God lives a cheerful giver, according to St Paul in Second Corinthians 9:8.  Ah! What must be His love for those who, in cheerful and absolute abandonment, give themselves completely to be crucified with Christ!"

excerpt taken from...... Fenelon. (1973). Let Go (pp. 2-4). New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House.

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